Modeler is the software
that lets you build 3D models from primitive objects such as
boxes and spheres and polyline primitives like arc, circle,
star and more. It also includes a host of external programs
that let you view, texture and render your models, as well as
some other tools that provide for object effects such as creating
pillars, gears and logos. The Modeler
has the following features: |
IGES FILE SUPPORT (Import only) |
3D Atelier
can import IGES files used in CAD. It can
support entities such as NURBS surface with trim,
plane with boundary, NURBS curve and parametric
spline curve.
4 now supports polyline primitives like,straight
line, curve, wave, rectangle, circle, ellipse, positive
multilateral form, and star. User can begin modeling
with polylines and convert them to solid mesh objects
by using the new commands like Lathe,
Sweep and
Skin. |
Vertex Relation.
Vertex Relation, curved mesh surfaces are made easy through
direct vertex manilpulation. The shape is created as the user
pulls or push on one vertex while the other selected vertices
moved accordingly. The outcome is defined by the type of relation
selected \ namely, Fixed, Proportional, Smooth, Positive, Negative
and User Defined. |
3DA files to other popular formats.
The data converter can translate files created with other software
into 3D Atelier file format and vise versa.
formats supported |
3DX (*) FILE SUPPORT (Export only)
animation and models made can now be exported to 3DX file which
you can display and interact with in the internet using a plug-in
called the 3DX player that can be downloaded. |